应用1 壹好车服定位数据
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KEEP 是该数据库的数据保留多长天数,缺省是 3650 天(10 年),数据库会自动删除超过时限的数据;
UPDATE 标志数据库支持更新相同时间戳数据;(从 版本开始此参数支持设为 2,表示允许部分列更新,也即更新数据行时未被设置的列会保留原值。)(从 版本开始支持此参数。注意此参数不能通过
- UPDATE 设为 0 时,表示不允许更新数据,后发送的相同时间戳的数据会被直接丢弃;
- UPDATE 设为 1 时,表示更新全部列数据,即如果更新一个数据行,其中某些列没有提供取值,那么这些列会被设为 NULL;
- UPDATE 设为 2 时,表示支持更新部分列数据,即如果更新一个数据行,其中某些列没有提供取值,那么这些列会保持原有数据行中的对应值;
- 更多关于 UPDATE 参数的用法,请参考FAQ。
数据库名最大长度为 33;
一条 SQL 语句的最大长度为 65480 个字符;
中作为创建数据库时使用的默认配置,create database
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COMP 参数是指修改数据库文件压缩标志位,缺省值为 2,取值范围为 [0, 2]。0 表示不压缩,1 表示一阶段压缩,2 表示两阶段压缩。
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REPLICA 参数是指修改数据库副本数,取值范围 [1, 3]。在集群中使用,副本数必须小于或等于 DNODE 的数目。
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KEEP 参数是指修改数据文件保存的天数,缺省值为 3650,取值范围 [days, 365000],必须大于或等于 days 参数值。查看参数时有的话默认就行
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BLOCKS 参数是每个 VNODE (TSDB) 中有多少 cache 大小的内存块,因此一个 VNODE 的用的内存大小粗略为(cache * blocks)。取值范围 [3, 1000]。
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QUORUM 参数是指数据写入成功所需要的确认数,取值范围 [1, 2]。对于异步复制,quorum 设为 1,具有 master 角色的虚拟节点自己确认即可。对于同步复制,quorum 设为 2。原则上,Quorum >= 1 并且 Quorum <= replica(副本数),这个参数在启动一个同步模块实例时需要提供。
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CACHELAST 参数控制是否在内存中缓存子表的最近数据。缺省值为 0,取值范围 [0, 1, 2, 3]。其中 0 表示不缓存,1 表示缓存子表最近一行数据,2 表示缓存子表每一列的最近的非 NULL 值,3 表示同时打开缓存最近行和列功能。(从 版本开始支持参数值 [0, 1],从 版本开始支持参数值 [0, 1, 2, 3]。)
说明:缓存最近行,将显著改善 LAST_ROW 函数的性能表现;缓存每列的最近非 NULL 值,将显著改善无特殊影响(WHERE、ORDER BY、GROUP BY、INTERVAL)下的 LAST 函数的性能表现。
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- 表的第一个字段必须是 TIMESTAMP,并且系统自动将其设为主键;
- 表名最大长度为 192;
- 表的每行长度不能超过 48KB;(注意:每个 BINARY/NCHAR 类型的列还会额外占用 2 个字节的存储位置);
- 子表名只能由字母、数字和下划线组成,且不能以数字开头,不区分大小写;
- 使用数据类型 binary 或 nchar,需指定其最长的字节数,如 binary(20),表示 20 字节;
- 为了兼容支持更多形式的表名,TDengine 引入新的转义符 “
",可以让表名与关键词不冲突,同时不受限于上述表名称合法性约束检查。但是同样具有长度限制要求。使用转义字符以后,不再对转义字符中的内容进行大小写统一。 例如:
abc` 是不同的表名,但是 abc 和 aBc 是相同的表名。 需要注意的是转义字符中的内容必须是可打印字符。 上述的操作逻辑和约束要求与 MySQL 数据的操作一致。 从 版本开始支持这种方式;- 数据迁移注意保障列长足够,表的第一个字段可以使用UNIX_TIMESTAMP格式写入,根据库的时间经度自动转换;
- TAGS 列的数据类型不能是 timestamp 类型;(从 版本开始,TAGS 列中支持使用 timestamp 类型,但需注意在 TAGS 中的 timestamp 列写入数据时需要提供给定值,而暂不支持四则运算,例如
NOW + 10s
这类表达式)- TAGS 列名不能与其他列名相同;
- TAGS 列名不能为预留关键字(参见:参数限制与保留关键字 章节);
- TAGS 最多允许 128 个,至少 1 个,总长度不超过 16 KB。
支持无模式表数据写入,兼容 InfluxDB 的 行协议(Line Protocol)、OpenTSDB 的 telnet 行协议、OpenTSDB 的 JSON 格式协议。
# | 类型 | Bytes | 说明 |
1 | TIMESTAMP | 8 | 时间戳。缺省精度毫秒,可支持微秒和纳秒。从格林威治时间 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 (UTC/GMT) 开始,计时不能早于该时间。(从 版本开始,已经去除了这一时间范围限制)(从 版本开始支持纳秒精度) |
2 | INT | 4 | 整型,范围 [-2^31+1, 2^31-1], -2^31 用作 NULL |
3 | BIGINT | 8 | 长整型,范围 [-2^63+1, 2^63-1], -2^63 用作 NULL |
4 | FLOAT | 4 | 浮点型,有效位数 6-7,范围 [-3.4E38, 3.4E38] |
5 | DOUBLE | 8 | 双精度浮点型,有效位数 15-16,范围 [-1.7E308, 1.7E308] |
6 | BINARY | 自定义 | 记录单字节字符串,建议只用于处理 ASCII 可见字符,中文等多字节字符需使用 nchar。理论上,最长可以有 16374 字节。binary 仅支持字符串输入,字符串两端需使用单引号引用。使用时须指定大小,如 binary(20) 定义了最长为 20 个单字节字符的字符串,每个字符占 1 byte 的存储空间,总共固定占用 20 bytes 的空间,此时如果用户字符串超出 20 字节将会报错。对于字符串内的单引号,可以用转义字符反斜线加单引号来表示,即 \’ 。 |
7 | SMALLINT | 2 | 短整型, 范围 [-32767, 32767], -32768 用作 NULL |
8 | TINYINT | 1 | 单字节整型,范围 [-127, 127], -128 用作 NULL |
9 | BOOL | 1 | 布尔型,{true, false} |
10 | NCHAR | 自定义 | 记录包含多字节字符在内的字符串,如中文字符。每个 nchar 字符占用 4 bytes 的存储空间。字符串两端使用单引号引用,字符串内的单引号需用转义字符 \’ 。nchar 使用时须指定字符串大小,类型为 nchar(10) 的列表示此列的字符串最多存储 10 个 nchar 字符,会固定占用 40 bytes 的空间。如果用户字符串长度超出声明长度,将会报错。 |
11 | JSON | json 数据类型, 只有 tag 可以是 json 格式 |
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注意:查询超级表时对表描述词要改为 STABLE。
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使用 SELECT 语句可以完成在超级表上的投影及聚合两类查询,在 WHERE 语句中可以对标签及列进行筛选及过滤。
如果在超级表查询语句中不加 ORDER BY, 返回顺序是先返回一个子表的所有数据,然后再返回下个子表的所有数据,所以返回的数据是无序的。如果增加了 ORDER BY 语句,会严格按 ORDER BY 语句指定的顺序返回的。
除了更新标签的值的操作是针对子表进行,其他所有的标签操作(添加标签、删除标签等)均只能作用于 STable,不能对单个子表操作。对 STable 添加标签以后,依托于该 STable 建立的所有表将自动增加了一个标签,所有新增标签的默认值都是 NULL。
剩余内存小于 vm.min_free_kbytes ;
☆ DATAX工具包必需使用官方提供,不然会出各种依赖包问题
安装 datax后,此文默认DATAX_HOME:/opt/datax
迁移脚本放入 /datax/job文件夹内
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迁移 json脚本中直接设置 | 总并发数 |
job.setting.speed.record | 总record限速 |
job.setting.speed.byte | 总byte限速 | | 单个channel的record限速,默认值为10000(10000条/s) | | 单个channel的byte限速,默认值1024*1024(1M/s) |
- 若配置了总record限速,则必须配置单个channel的record限速
- 若配置了总byte限速,则必须配置单个channe的byte限速
- 若配置了总record限速和总byte限速,channel并发数参数就会失效。因为配置了总record限速和总byte限速之后,实际channel并发数是通过计算得到的:
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当提升DataX Job内Channel并发数时,内存的占用会显著增加,因为DataX作为数据交换通道,在内存中会缓存较多的数据。例如Channel中会有一个Buffer,作为临时的数据交换的缓冲区,而在部分Reader和Writer的中,也会存在一些Buffer,为了防止OOM等错误,需调大JVM的堆内存。
调整JVM xms xmx参数的两种方式:一种是直接更改datax.py脚本;另一种是在启动的时候,加上对应的参数,如下:
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平均用时:Query OK, 10 row(s) in set (0.029506s)
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平均用时:Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.004578s)
- 时序数据:存放于 vnode 里,由 data、head 和 last 三个文件组成,数据量大,查询量取决于应用场景。容许乱序写入,但暂时不支持删除操作,并且仅在 update 参数设置为 1 时允许更新操作。通过采用一个采集点一张表的模型,一个时间段的数据是连续存储,对单张表的写入是简单的追加操作,一次读,可以读到多条记录,这样保证对单个采集点的插入和查询操作,性能达到最优。
- 标签数据:存放于 vnode 里的 meta 文件,支持增删改查四个标准操作。数据量不大,有 N 张表,就有 N 条记录,因此可以全内存存储。如果标签过滤操作很多,查询将十分频繁,因此 TDengine 支持多核多线程并发查询。只要计算资源足够,即使有数千万张表,过滤结果能毫秒级返回。
- 元数据:存放于 mnode 里,包含系统节点、用户、DB、Table Schema 等信息,支持增删改查四个标准操作。这部分数据的量不大,可以全内存保存,而且由于客户端有缓存,查询量也不大。因此目前的设计虽是集中式存储管理,但不会构成性能瓶颈。
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第一次测试WHERE 筛选条件里不带loginname筛选
[06/23 11:25:29.826294] INFO: /newdisk/soft/taosbenchmark/locationsearch.json
"filetype": "query",
"cfgdir": "/etc/taos",
"host": "",
"port": 6030,
"user": "user_service",
"password": "Lunz2017",
"confirm_parameter_prompt": "no",
"databases": "locationcenter",
"query_times": 20,
"query_mode": "taosc",
"super_table_query": {
"stblname": "userlocation",
"query_interval": 0,
"threads": 5,
"sqls": [{
"sql": "SELECT * FROM xxxx WHERE locationtime > now-750d ORDER BY locationtime LIMIT 1000;"
}, {
"sql": "SELECT LAST(*) FROM xxxx;"
[06/23 11:25:29.942103] INFO: taos client version:
[06/23 11:25:29.985904] INFO: userlocation's childTblCount: 2204
[06/23 11:25:47.395394] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:17.3860s
[06/23 11:25:47.661997] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:17.6520s
[06/23 11:25:49.801203] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:19.7930s
[06/23 11:25:51.781808] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:21.7750s
[06/23 11:25:52.382326] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:22.3750s
[06/23 11:26:00.011229] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 1531, QPS: 51.030
[06/23 11:26:00.014133] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 1534, QPS: 51.125
[06/23 11:26:00.024295] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 1369, QPS: 45.609
[06/23 11:26:00.024452] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 1201, QPS: 40.011
[06/23 11:26:00.059128] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 1241, QPS: 41.294
[06/23 11:26:04.529191] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:17.1340s
[06/23 11:26:04.737206] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:17.0750s
[06/23 11:26:08.044346] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.2430s
[06/23 11:26:13.127916] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:21.3460s
[06/23 11:26:13.680380] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:21.2980s
[06/23 11:26:21.806175] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:17.2770s
[06/23 11:26:22.789503] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:18.0520s
[06/23 11:26:26.866865] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.8220s
[06/23 11:26:30.013590] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 3067, QPS: 51.113
[06/23 11:26:30.017715] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 3023, QPS: 50.377
[06/23 11:26:30.068283] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 2470, QPS: 41.124
[06/23 11:26:30.072142] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 2441, QPS: 40.639
[06/23 11:26:30.081825] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 2781, QPS: 46.294
[06/23 11:26:33.868119] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:20.7410s
[06/23 11:26:34.794845] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:21.1140s
[06/23 11:26:38.007910] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.2010s
[06/23 11:26:39.027625] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.2380s
[06/23 11:26:44.349937] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:17.4830s
[06/23 11:26:53.690002] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:19.8220s
[06/23 11:26:54.179681] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.1720s
[06/23 11:26:54.751370] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:19.9570s
[06/23 11:26:55.450360] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.4230s
[06/23 11:27:00.032487] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 4689, QPS: 52.087
[06/23 11:27:00.036375] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 4625, QPS: 51.373
[06/23 11:27:00.081331] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 3736, QPS: 41.477
[06/23 11:27:00.093663] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 3794, QPS: 42.115
[06/23 11:27:00.111722] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 4303, QPS: 47.756
[06/23 11:27:02.482377] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.1320s
[06/23 11:27:12.567807] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:18.3880s
[06/23 11:27:15.218884] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:19.7680s
[06/23 11:27:16.970065] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:23.2800s
[06/23 11:27:18.378608] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:23.6270s
[06/23 11:27:23.262542] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:20.7800s
[06/23 11:27:30.036647] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 6052, QPS: 50.422
[06/23 11:27:30.040622] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 5937, QPS: 49.462
[06/23 11:27:30.096812] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 4880, QPS: 40.636
[06/23 11:27:30.111611] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 4829, QPS: 40.207
[06/23 11:27:30.121808] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 5556, QPS: 46.256
[06/23 11:27:31.958135] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:19.3910s
[06/23 11:27:34.558165] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:19.3400s
[06/23 11:27:39.456386] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:22.4860s
[06/23 11:27:40.932419] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:22.5540s
[06/23 11:27:41.732982] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.4700s
[06/23 11:27:48.320896] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.3620s
[06/23 11:27:50.724743] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.1660s
[06/23 11:27:58.327522] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:16.5940s
[06/23 11:28:00.021201] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:20.5650s
[06/23 11:28:00.053498] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 7668, QPS: 51.105
[06/23 11:28:00.069814] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 7541, QPS: 50.253
[06/23 11:28:00.107871] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 6178, QPS: 41.159
[06/23 11:28:00.117358] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 6139, QPS: 40.897
[06/23 11:28:00.129142] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 7133, QPS: 47.515
[06/23 11:28:00.883925] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:19.9510s
[06/23 11:28:04.528633] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.2080s
[06/23 11:28:07.278929] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.5540s
[06/23 11:28:16.284883] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:17.9570s
[06/23 11:28:20.968207] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:20.9470s
[06/23 11:28:21.440716] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.9120s
[06/23 11:28:21.903253] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:21.0200s
[06/23 11:28:23.760206] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.4820s
[06/23 11:28:30.081073] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 9175, QPS: 50.952
[06/23 11:28:30.085854] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 9275, QPS: 51.506
[06/23 11:28:30.127840] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 7423, QPS: 41.211
[06/23 11:28:30.133642] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 8664, QPS: 48.100
[06/23 11:28:30.171622] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 7459, QPS: 41.401
[06/23 11:28:33.132875] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:16.8480s
[06/23 11:28:38.366290] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.9260s
[06/23 11:28:40.760953] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:17.0000s
[06/23 11:28:42.121350] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:21.1530s
[06/23 11:28:43.137537] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:21.2340s
[06/23 11:28:51.169437] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.0370s
[06/23 11:28:55.081240] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.7150s
[06/23 11:28:57.246965] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.4850s
[06/23 11:29:00.082296] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 10722, QPS: 51.039
[06/23 11:29:00.120325] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 10817, QPS: 51.482
[06/23 11:29:00.149787] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 8681, QPS: 41.310
[06/23 11:29:00.164720] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 10131, QPS: 48.207
[06/23 11:29:00.183676] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 8708, QPS: 41.432
[06/23 11:29:03.182366] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:21.0610s
[06/23 11:29:03.668377] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:20.5310s
[06/23 11:29:09.831966] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.6620s
[06/23 11:29:13.002151] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:17.9210s
[06/23 11:29:15.903543] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:18.6560s
[06/23 11:29:24.725181] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:21.5430s
[06/23 11:29:25.210472] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:21.5420s
[06/23 11:29:27.849301] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.0170s
[06/23 11:29:30.002702] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:17.0000s
[06/23 11:29:30.085149] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 12182, QPS: 50.742
[06/23 11:29:30.150275] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 12325, QPS: 51.324
[06/23 11:29:30.157143] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 9895, QPS: 41.203
[06/23 11:29:30.199164] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 11555, QPS: 48.108
[06/23 11:29:30.208238] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 9915, QPS: 41.278
[06/23 11:29:33.398296] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:17.4950s
[06/23 11:29:45.909740] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.0600s
[06/23 11:29:46.418577] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:21.6930s
[06/23 11:29:46.684370] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:21.4740s
[06/23 11:29:46.867443] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:16.8650s
[06/23 11:29:49.834367] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.4360s
[06/23 11:30:00.094313] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 13804, QPS: 51.110
[06/23 11:30:00.168550] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 13965, QPS: 51.692
[06/23 11:30:00.178332] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 11213, QPS: 41.503
[06/23 11:30:00.204815] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 13112, QPS: 48.528
[06/23 11:30:00.211187] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 11214, QPS: 41.502
[06/23 11:30:02.210162] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:15.3430s
[06/23 11:30:02.611121] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:16.7020s
[06/23 11:30:05.967470] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.1330s
[06/23 11:30:06.086602] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:19.6680s
[06/23 11:30:06.175547] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:19.4910s
[06/23 11:30:19.380477] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:17.1700s
[06/23 11:30:20.895797] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:18.2840s
[06/23 11:30:23.153220] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:17.1860s
[06/23 11:30:27.048434] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:20.8730s
[06/23 11:30:27.383756] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:21.2970s
[06/23 11:30:30.124032] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 15317, QPS: 51.037
[06/23 11:30:30.184927] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 15484, QPS: 51.583
[06/23 11:30:30.190163] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 12463, QPS: 41.518
[06/23 11:30:30.207185] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 14500, QPS: 48.301
[06/23 11:30:30.222273] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 12457, QPS: 41.493
[06/23 11:30:38.852287] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:19.4720s
[06/23 11:30:41.832871] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:20.9370s
[06/23 11:30:43.885670] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:20.7320s
[06/23 11:30:52.244190] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:25.1960s
[06/23 11:30:52.909152] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:25.5260s
[06/23 11:30:59.190679] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:20.3380s
[06/23 11:31:00.148485] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 16563, QPS: 50.170
[06/23 11:31:00.193099] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 16768, QPS: 50.784
[06/23 11:31:00.196303] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 13525, QPS: 40.961
[06/23 11:31:00.208392] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 15740, QPS: 47.668
[06/23 11:31:00.227029] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 13500, QPS: 40.882
[06/23 11:31:03.109165] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:21.2770s
[06/23 11:31:04.170431] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:20.2850s
[06/23 11:31:14.628583] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:22.3840s
[06/23 11:31:15.104783] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:22.1950s
[06/23 11:31:16.755738] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:17.5650s
[06/23 11:31:20.150011] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:17.0410s
[06/23 11:31:20.423057] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:16.2530s
[06/23 11:31:30.207574] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 14947, QPS: 41.496
[06/23 11:31:30.231212] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 17467, QPS: 48.489
[06/23 11:31:30.239761] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 14937, QPS: 41.465
[06/23 11:31:30.896999] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.2680s
[06/23 11:31:31.153452] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:16.0490s
[06/23 11:31:32.208711] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:12.0580s
[06/23 11:31:44.384336] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:13.4870s
[06/23 11:31:44.598594] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:13.4450s
[06/23 11:31:57.261829] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:12.8770s
[06/23 11:31:57.762974] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:13.1640s
[06/23 11:32:00.217199] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 16931, QPS: 43.389
[06/23 11:32:00.255773] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 16907, QPS: 43.324
[06/23 11:32:11.843653] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:14.5820s
[06/23 11:32:12.100391] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:14.3370s
[06/23 11:32:12.101175] INFO: Spend 402.0970 second completed total queries: 88160, the QPS of all threads: 219.251
[06/23 15:56:16.741911] INFO: /newdisk/soft/taosbenchmark/locationsearch.json
"filetype": "query",
"cfgdir": "/etc/taos",
"host": "",
"port": 6030,
"user": "user_service",
"password": "Lunz2017",
"confirm_parameter_prompt": "no",
"databases": "locationcenter",
"query_times": 20,
"query_mode": "taosc",
"super_table_query": {
"stblname": "userlocation",
"query_interval": 0,
"threads": 5,
"sqls": [{
"sql": "SELECT * FROM xxxx WHERE locationtime > now-750d AND loginname='ZR18080096' ORDER BY locationtime LIMIT 1000;"
}, {
"sql": "SELECT LAST(*) FROM xxxx WHERE loginname='ZR18080096';"
[06/23 15:56:16.882414] INFO: taos client version:
[06/23 15:56:16.910498] INFO: userlocation's childTblCount: 2204
[06/23 15:56:29.610277] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.6770s
[06/23 15:56:29.851190] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.9170s
[06/23 15:56:30.948195] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:14.0150s
[06/23 15:56:33.864315] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.9320s
[06/23 15:56:34.081614] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:17.1500s
[06/23 15:56:42.131075] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.2800s
[06/23 15:56:42.348381] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.7380s
[06/23 15:56:45.165683] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:14.2170s
[06/23 15:56:46.935699] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 1582, QPS: 52.726
[06/23 15:56:46.941998] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 2098, QPS: 69.915
[06/23 15:56:46.949207] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 1561, QPS: 52.004
[06/23 15:56:46.964167] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 2083, QPS: 69.364
[06/23 15:56:46.965832] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 1889, QPS: 62.900
[06/23 15:56:50.149224] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.2850s
[06/23 15:56:50.215609] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:16.1340s
[06/23 15:56:54.128171] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:11.7800s
[06/23 15:56:54.502407] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.3710s
[06/23 15:56:58.316296] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.1510s
[06/23 15:57:06.099179] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:15.9500s
[06/23 15:57:06.300253] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:16.0850s
[06/23 15:57:06.536024] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.4080s
[06/23 15:57:06.668328] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.1660s
[06/23 15:57:11.682409] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.3660s
[06/23 15:57:16.957269] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 4237, QPS: 70.588
[06/23 15:57:16.969086] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 4220, QPS: 70.292
[06/23 15:57:16.970547] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 3227, QPS: 53.748
[06/23 15:57:16.973480] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 3215, QPS: 53.547
[06/23 15:57:16.985694] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 3767, QPS: 62.729
[06/23 15:57:19.170242] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.6340s
[06/23 15:57:19.243252] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.5750s
[06/23 15:57:22.138964] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.0390s
[06/23 15:57:22.268433] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.9680s
[06/23 15:57:25.518519] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.8360s
[06/23 15:57:31.449882] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.2790s
[06/23 15:57:31.857031] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.6140s
[06/23 15:57:37.294125] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:15.1550s
[06/23 15:57:37.499734] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.2310s
[06/23 15:57:38.831634] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.3130s
[06/23 15:57:44.038288] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.5890s
[06/23 15:57:44.764270] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.9070s
[06/23 15:57:46.961418] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 6376, QPS: 70.822
[06/23 15:57:46.974507] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 4943, QPS: 54.896
[06/23 15:57:46.976399] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 6343, QPS: 70.445
[06/23 15:57:46.980930] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 4943, QPS: 54.893
[06/23 15:57:46.992588] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 5799, QPS: 64.391
[06/23 15:57:52.125702] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.2940s
[06/23 15:57:53.080700] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:15.7860s
[06/23 15:57:53.433868] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.9340s
[06/23 15:57:56.327224] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:11.5630s
[06/23 15:57:56.615254] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.5770s
[06/23 15:58:05.933754] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.8080s
[06/23 15:58:09.475644] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:13.1480s
[06/23 15:58:09.672404] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:16.2390s
[06/23 15:58:09.914506] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.8340s
[06/23 15:58:09.956917] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:13.3410s
[06/23 15:58:16.966921] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 8454, QPS: 70.431
[06/23 15:58:16.977414] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 6587, QPS: 54.871
[06/23 15:58:16.990589] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 6565, QPS: 54.682
[06/23 15:58:17.000403] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 7772, QPS: 64.731
[06/23 15:58:17.001556] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 8453, QPS: 70.402
[06/23 15:58:19.212969] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.2790s
[06/23 15:58:21.579566] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.1040s
[06/23 15:58:21.933175] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:11.9760s
[06/23 15:58:25.113474] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.4410s
[06/23 15:58:25.959218] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.0450s
[06/23 15:58:33.001226] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.7880s
[06/23 15:58:34.034189] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.4550s
[06/23 15:58:34.435996] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.5020s
[06/23 15:58:41.647532] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:16.5340s
[06/23 15:58:42.139212] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.1800s
[06/23 15:58:46.983853] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 8220, QPS: 54.781
[06/23 15:58:46.987185] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 10563, QPS: 70.395
[06/23 15:58:47.005994] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 9694, QPS: 64.596
[06/23 15:58:47.017921] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 8197, QPS: 54.616
[06/23 15:58:47.019911] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 10543, QPS: 70.247
[06/23 15:58:47.106212] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:14.1050s
[06/23 15:58:47.251632] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.8150s
[06/23 15:58:47.281396] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:13.2470s
[06/23 15:58:57.020348] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.3730s
[06/23 15:58:57.287225] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:15.1480s
[06/23 15:58:59.345230] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.0640s
[06/23 15:58:59.431883] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.1800s
[06/23 15:59:00.536989] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.4300s
[06/23 15:59:11.005123] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:11.6600s
[06/23 15:59:11.162868] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:11.7310s
[06/23 15:59:12.037817] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.0170s
[06/23 15:59:12.621252] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:15.3340s
[06/23 15:59:13.415012] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:12.8780s
[06/23 15:59:16.996454] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 9981, QPS: 55.430
[06/23 15:59:17.022996] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 12739, QPS: 70.738
[06/23 15:59:17.024869] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 12735, QPS: 70.714
[06/23 15:59:17.042181] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 9931, QPS: 55.139
[06/23 15:59:17.079183] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 11653, QPS: 64.686
[06/23 15:59:23.204856] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.1990s
[06/23 15:59:23.588289] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.4260s
[06/23 15:59:26.897799] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.4820s
[06/23 15:59:27.305009] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.2680s
[06/23 15:59:27.927708] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:15.3060s
[06/23 15:59:35.304509] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.1000s
[06/23 15:59:36.224949] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.6360s
[06/23 15:59:40.658812] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.7610s
[06/23 15:59:43.117408] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.8120s
[06/23 15:59:43.584076] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:15.6570s
[06/23 15:59:46.998960] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 11670, QPS: 55.554
[06/23 15:59:47.026291] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 14896, QPS: 70.902
[06/23 15:59:47.035069] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 14879, QPS: 70.818
[06/23 15:59:47.055110] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 11631, QPS: 55.353
[06/23 15:59:47.117361] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 13581, QPS: 64.615
[06/23 15:59:47.813407] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.5090s
[06/23 15:59:48.530546] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.3050s
[06/23 15:59:54.360848] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.7020s
[06/23 15:59:59.613625] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:16.4960s
[06/23 16:00:00.209528] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:16.6250s
[06/23 16:00:00.379573] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.5660s
[06/23 16:00:01.540119] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:13.0100s
[06/23 16:00:07.864559] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.5040s
[06/23 16:00:12.572445] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:12.1930s
[06/23 16:00:13.713394] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:12.1730s
[06/23 16:00:15.147517] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:15.5340s
[06/23 16:00:15.204324] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:14.9950s
[06/23 16:00:17.001404] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 13332, QPS: 55.534
[06/23 16:00:17.031175] INFO: thread[4] has currently completed queries: 17047, QPS: 71.000
[06/23 16:00:17.041008] INFO: thread[3] has currently completed queries: 17005, QPS: 70.822
[06/23 16:00:17.057005] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 13331, QPS: 55.517
[06/23 16:00:17.129278] INFO: thread[2] has currently completed queries: 15597, QPS: 64.934
[06/23 16:00:20.918288] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:13.0540s
[06/23 16:00:24.169922] INFO: thread[4] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1764 - 2203] once queries duration:11.5970s
[06/23 16:00:24.723675] INFO: thread[3] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[1323 - 1763] once queries duration:11.0100s
[06/23 16:00:29.377737] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:14.1730s
[06/23 16:00:29.435308] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:14.2880s
[06/23 16:00:31.775970] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:10.8570s
[06/23 16:00:41.958418] INFO: thread[2] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[882 - 1322] once queries duration:10.1820s
[06/23 16:00:42.163680] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:12.7280s
[06/23 16:00:42.360845] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:12.9830s
[06/23 16:00:47.006939] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 15361, QPS: 56.877
[06/23 16:00:47.073863] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 15353, QPS: 56.833
[06/23 16:00:53.858526] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:11.6950s
[06/23 16:00:54.201840] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:11.8410s
[06/23 16:01:06.349354] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:12.1480s
[06/23 16:01:06.422182] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:12.5640s
[06/23 16:01:17.034805] INFO: thread[0] has currently completed queries: 17509, QPS: 58.343
[06/23 16:01:17.090599] INFO: thread[1] has currently completed queries: 17481, QPS: 58.239
[06/23 16:01:18.832644] INFO: thread[0] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[0 - 440] once queries duration:12.4100s
[06/23 16:01:19.128519] INFO: thread[1] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[441 - 881] once queries duration:12.7790s
[06/23 16:01:19.128796] INFO: Spend 302.1980 second completed total queries: 88160, the QPS of all threads: 291.729
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第一次压测结果,WHERE 条件中不加loginname筛选条件
Running for engine innodb
Average number of seconds to run all queries: 0.163 seconds
Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.141 seconds
Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 0.216 seconds
Number of clients running queries: 5
Average number of queries per client: 40
换算为QPS后,大概 235左右
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应用2 三方监控
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编辑statd配置文件,假设文件夹位置 /opt/statsd
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collectd 安装
编译安装 略
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配置write_tsdb 插件数据
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应用3 另一种监控
安装 Telegraf 监控系统
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